Thai Airline Hires Three Transsexual Flight Attendants

By Park Sae-jin Posted : February 8, 2011, 11:30 Updated : February 8, 2011, 11:30
The new Thai-based airline, P.C. Air, has become the first airline to hire three transsexual flight attendants. The three were chosen out of 100 other transgender applicants. Tanya Na (23), one of the three, won a beauty contest ‘Miss Tiffany Universe’ in 2007; ‘Miss Tiffany Universe’ is known for the most famous “Shemale” beauty contest in Thailand.

An airline spokesperson quoted the P.C. Air recognizes the potential of transsexuals as stewardess and willing to give them an equal opportunity. The three candidates will undergo 3 months of training along with other female candidates- the three transsexual candidates will have a ‘third sex’ name tag on their uniform to avoid immigration issues.

P.C. Air plans to launch in March 2011.

(아주경제 이수지 기자)
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