New BlackBerry to Launch in S. Korea

By Park Sae-jin Posted : September 9, 2011, 03:08 Updated : September 8, 2011, 10:23
The new Blackberry 9900 will be officially launched in Korea on September 19. S. Korea’s largest mobile carrier, SK Telecom, will be launching the new Blackberry according to the Canadian handset maker.

Research In Motion Ltd. began receiving pre-orders for its latest BlackBerry smartphone on Monday in a bid to challenge the success of the Galaxy smartphones and the iPhone in the country‘s fast-growing smartphone market.

The new Blackberry is thinnest smartphone yet at 10.5 millimeters thick and is powered by the Canadian company’s updated operating system that helps run programs at a faster speed. It’s got powerful new features and innovative apps as well as a 1.2 GHz processor, a 24-bit high-res display, and Liquid Graphics.

S. Korea’s most visited daily deal web site, Ticket Monster Inc., said, it started receiving pre-orders through its web site but unfortunately, they are not offering discounts.

The latest BlackBerry model will be available through an array of retail channels from a leading online social commerce site to brick-and-mortar stores.

(아주경제 이수지 기자)
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