Legendary Hollywood film director Harold Ramis passed away

By Park Sae-jin Posted : February 25, 2014, 19:32 Updated : February 25, 2014, 19:32
Legendary Hollywood film director and actor Harold Ramis passed away on Monday. He was only 69 years old.

He was best known for his taste in comedy. He starred in ‘Ghostbusters’ and Stripes’, and directed ‘Caddyshack’’, Groundhog Day’, and many more. New York Times even praised him as the “Alchemist of Comedy”.

According to the report, the cause of death was of the complications from autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis, a rare disease that involves swelling of the blood vessels. Ramis is survived by his wife Erica Mann, 3 children, and 2 grandchildren.

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