Lee Vows More Efforts for Public Welfare

By Park Sae-jin Posted : March 8, 2010, 15:11 Updated : March 8, 2010, 15:11
President Lee Myung-bak instructed public servants Monday to pay more attention to the livelihood of the nation’s underprivileged, reading aloud several letters received from citizens relating their struggles, according to Yonhap News. Lee said he received more than 2,000 letters this year alone through the Web site of the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae, mostly from students, job seekers, and people in need.

“Public workers handling related affairs should take a more active attitude toward what more they can do to help,” Lee said in his biweekly radio address.

The president read from a letter sent in by a road sweeper who studies at night, a disabled college student, an irregular worker, and the wife of a soldier.

“(South Korea) should become a country where all people can live comfortably if it aims to become an advanced nation,” said Lee, who launched a “Global Korea” campaign to enhance the country’s international status.

Lee pledged greater efforts to support those who work in the day and study at night and to enhance public transportation for those with physical disabilities, as well reducing the gap between regular and non-regular workers and upgrading the welfare system for soldiers.

He added the government will step up efforts to create jobs for the disabled, saying it would mandate that public agencies fill at least 3 percent of their payrolls with disabled workers starting from this year and that private firms allocate at least 2.7 percent of jobs for the disabled by 2014.

“By doing so, the government will create 38,000 new jobs,” he said.

아주경제= 박유경 기자 story31@ajnews.co.kr
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