(G20 meeting) Local carmaker provides electric cars for G20 meeting

By Park Sae-jin Posted : June 3, 2010, 10:55 Updated : June 3, 2010, 10:55
A South Korean carmaker said Thursday it is providing electric cars for a meeting this week of financial leaders from the Group of 20 (G20), a group of wealthy and developed nations.

CT&T Corp. said seven of its e-Zone electric vehicles will be used to transport finance ministers and central bankers from the different countries during the two-day-long meeting, which will be held in South Korea's largest port city, 453 kilometers southeast of Seoul.

"The vehicles will be used to transport G20 financial leaders from the Chosun Hotel to the Nurimaru APEC House, where talks are to be held," a company executive said.

He said that because the 1km road between the hotel and the convention center is not wide, organizers requested the use of the small e-Zone vehicles.

The meeting, slated to start on Friday, will likely be focused on ways to boost global cooperation in improving fiscal soundness and stop Europe's debt problems from hindering the global economic rebound, according to watchers.//Yonhap

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