Hyundai Signed MOU with German for Clean Energy

By Park Sae-jin Posted : February 25, 2011, 15:19 Updated : February 25, 2011, 15:19
Hyundai Motor Group inked a deal with German’s environmental organization to help promote the development and use of environmentally-friendly energy, a move that will allow the company to sell clean energy vehicles in the European nation.

The company said a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between two organizations and Hyundai secured a chance to introduce its technology for hydrogen and fuel cell batteries in Germany. At the MOU ceremony were Lee Hyun-soon, Hyundai’s vice chairman for research and development and Klaus Bonhoff, President of German National Organization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology.

The MOU comes under Germany’s clean energy partnership program that seeks to attract 1.4 billion euro in investment by 2016 to develop and promote hydrogen and fuel-cell powered vehicles, reported Yonhap news agency.

(아주경제 송지영 기자)
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