Archdiocese of Milwaukee Ordains First Married Priest

By Park Sae-jin Posted : March 22, 2011, 14:28 Updated : March 22, 2011, 14:28
The Milwaukee Archdiocese said a married Episcopal priest was ordained as a Catholic priest last Saturday for the first time in Milwaukee.

Deacon Russell Arnett, now Father Arnett, was first ordained in the Episcopal Church where priests are allowed to marry. Married Episcopal priests have been allowed to become Catholic priests since 1980.

Church officials said that Fr. Russell Arnett and his wife converted to Catholicism in 2007. Father Arnett is the first married priest in Milwaukee, however, there are about 100 married priests in the U.S. who have all converted from other Christian faiths to Catholicism like Father Arnett.

Father Arnett said, “I’m thrilled and I praise God for being a part of the Catholic Church and (grateful) to the Holy Father for granting me this dispensation to serve as a married priest,”

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