South Korea and Mongolia agrees to deepen their relations

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 16, 2011, 11:38 Updated : April 16, 2011, 11:38
Kim Sung-hwan the foreign minister of South Korea met with Gombojav Zandanshatar the Mongolian foreign minister on Thursday to discuss their countries’ current relation and to maybe deepen it more.

The two agreed that they would start becoming more involved in each other countries and cooperate together if needed. The prime minister of Mongolia came to Seoul, South Korea on Wednesday to accompany the prime minister of Mongolia, Sukhbaatar Batbold while he visits Korea for three days due to the invitation from the South Korean Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik.

The foreign minister of each country said they are appreciative of the fact that the relation between two country has been developing quickly.

(아주경제 제임스 김 기자)
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