A South Korean Girl Says She Hasn’t Brushed Her Teeth for 10 Years

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 6, 2011, 14:51 Updated : April 6, 2011, 14:51
The South Korean show “Martian Virus” is a popular TV show where they introduce people who are proud of their extreme habits, life styles, or characteristics. The recent episode, which was aired on April 5 was about a 20 year-old girl, Gi Hyun-ji, who hasn’t brushed her teeth for 10 years.

“I do not understand why people should brush teeth, as it is not like others will look into your mouth,” said Ji Hyun-ji. “As food scrapples piles on, they will actually protect my teeth.”

She shared the method she only uses to clean her teeth- using her tongue. She showed how to “brush” her teeth with her tongue and wasn’t ashamed of a bad breath and her yellow teeth. She also said she only wipes her front teeth with tissue on “special” occasions.

The show took her to the dentist to give her a diagnosis and the dentists claimed it is the most shocking thing they’ve ever seen in their careers; she was diagnosed with more than 10 cavities and a serious gum disease. The dentists also said if she doesn’t get an intensive treatment right now, she’d need to wear dentures (false teeth).

After the diagnosis, she brushed her teeth for the first time in 10 years.

(아주경제 이수지 기자)
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