Groupon may increase price for the upcoming IPO

By Park Sae-jin Posted : October 31, 2011, 11:19 Updated : October 31, 2011, 11:19
Groupon Inc. may increase the price range of its initial public offering amid higher-than-expected demand for the shares from investors, three people with knowledge of the matter said.

An updated filing with a higher range may be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission early next week should Groupon decide to increase the price, according to one official.

Groupon is floating a record-low percentage of its total outstanding shares in the offering, helping to stoke demand for the stock.

Only 4.7% of the unprofitable company’s shares will be sold to the public, less than in any US Internet- company IPO of more $200 million since at least 2000. The company is pitching the IPO to investors and aims to complete the offering by November.

Groupon is seeking to raise as much as $540 million selling 30 million shares for $16 to $18 apiece, according to an earlier filing by the company. Julie Mossler, a representative for Chicago- based Groupon, declined to comment on the stock offering.

However, some investors may remain wary of the company, especially if the company contains anymore incorrect financial data, federal officials may crackdown on the burgeoning company very hard.

(아주경제 앤드류 이 기자)
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