S.Korean Christians to Pray against Lady Gaga's concert

By Park Sae-jin Posted : April 23, 2012, 11:39 Updated : April 23, 2012, 11:39
A large group of South Korean Christians will pray together against Lady Gaga’s Seoul concert, accusing her of advocating
homosexuality and pornography on coming Sunday.

The pop diva arrived in South Korea on Friday, a week before her Seoul performance which kicks off her “Born This Way Ball Global Tour.” About three hundred protestants will gather downtown Seoul Sunday, to pray against the concert.

The organizer say: “We will pray to God that the concert will not be realized so that homosexuality and pornography will not spread around the country.”

The Korean Association of Church Communication vowed last month to take “concerted action to stop young people from being infected with homosexuality and pornography.”

The group last week put out street banners in Seoul accusing the eccentric singer of “spreading unhealthy sexual culture” through “lewd lyrics and performances,” before they were removed by the city officials. South Koreans aged under 18 have been banned from the much anticipated concert after it was rated unsuitable for younger audiences.

Lady Gaga is expected to do 110 shows this year after her huge success album, “Born This Way,”which has sold almost six million copies worldwide.

(아주경제 송지영 기자)
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