Arnold Schwarzenegger called his affair with his housekeeper the ‘stupidest thing’ he did while married

By Park Sae-jin Posted : September 29, 2012, 13:39 Updated : September 29, 2012, 13:39
Schwarzenegger & his soon to be ex-wife, Maria Shriver (Photo source/credit:
Arnold Schwarzenegger had an affair. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a baby from the affair. Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't tell his wife about the baby for more than a decade.
"So you lied" to wife Maria Shriver, Lesley Stahl asked him for the upcoming edition of "60 Minutes."
"You could say that," the former governator replied.
Let's just let that sit there and jell for a second.
Schwarzenegger, who sat for the interview in connection with a tell-all memoir he's written, then proceeded to call the affair "the stupidest thing I've done in the whole relationship.
"It was terrible. I inflicted tremendous pain on Maria and unbelievable pain on the kids." 
Yeah, well, there's always that.                   
Schwarzenegger slept with housekeeper Mildred Baena in his guest house in 1996, when Shriver and the kids were out of town and he was stuck home working on a movie, but he didn't admit it to his wife until she busted him in January 2011, it was revealed last week after the New York Daily News obtained an early copy of the book.
Baena told Hello magazine in June 2011 that Shriver had an inkling &mdah; likely based on the boy's resemblance to his father — that something had gone on.
"Finally, she asked point blank," Baena said. "[Shriver] was so strong. She cried with me and told me to get off my knees. We held each other, and I told her it wasn’t Arnie’s fault, that it takes two."
Maria and Arnold split up in May 2011, and Shriver filed for divorce that July.

(Content credit: L.A. Times)

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