Pepsi takes Diet Pepsi to the Whole New Level; Fat-Blocking

By Park Sae-jin Posted : November 14, 2012, 15:36 Updated : November 14, 2012, 15:36

Pepsi Special (credit: Suntory)

Pepsi announced that they are releasing Pepsi Special in Japan. Pepsi Special is the next version of Diet Pepsi that actually makes you loose weight.
Did Pepsi just invent the new world changing of loosing weight? It is advertised as fiber-infused New Pepsi line, but what Pepsi Special actually contains is dextrin, which is a soluble gummy substance that is normally used as a thickening agent for glue products or dietary supplements.
Sure, dextrin can push out toxins, fight colon issues, reduce cholesterol, and increase appetite satisfaction. It can also regulate your bowel movement like prune juice can.
However, experts say that it is STILL just a soda. Pepsi Special can be a slightly healthier choice than regular Pepsi and other brands sodas, but it won’t be on the same level of healthiness as drinking carrot juice. The experts advise that do not consume Pepsi Special excessively in hope to lose weight because it could result Heart or Kidney issues.
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