A Nurse Found Dead over Kate Middleton prank by Australian DJs

By Park Sae-jin Posted : December 8, 2012, 13:24 Updated : December 8, 2012, 13:24

King Edward VII Hospital (Photo credit: The Sun)

Two Australian DJ of a radio show thought it was just a cheeky prank when they called the hospital Kate Middleton was in and pretended to be the Queen of England. The prank call was broadcasted internationally.
The nurse who answered the prank call and transferred the call to Princess Kate may have killed herself because of the Aussie style prank.
The nurse now identified as Jacintha Saldanha was found dead around 9:30 am at a resident near the hospital: King Edward VII Hospital.
Hours later, the radio station released a statement, apologizing for the inconsiderate prank.
This tragedy spread out like wild fire and now the two DJs removed themselves from their job.
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