Newborn baby flushed down the toilet survived

By Park Sae-jin Posted : May 30, 2013, 12:26 Updated : May 30, 2013, 12:26
After much effort, a newborn baby boy was rescued out of sewage pipe Saturday in Jinjua, eastern province of Zhejiang, China.
His unmarried mother gave a birth to him in her toilet but she accidently had him flushed down the toilet. Acting nonchalant, the woman notified her landlord that she heard strange noise near the area. The landlord called the police for help and when the authorities arrived at the scene, the first thing they noticed was a pair of bloody pants.
Police realized the seriousness of the situation and summoned firefighters to rescue the stuck newborn baby out of the pipe. After extensive effort, baby was safely freed out of the tight pipe that was only 10cm in diameter. When rescued, the baby still had the placenta attached.
The baby boy’s mother was present during the rescue but when police pressed on with questions, she confessed that she was the mother and she did not know who the father of her boy was.
The baby was immediately transferred to the nearby hospital and fortunately his condition was soon stabilized.
Nice Samaritans who watched the news sent so much baby food, clothes, and other gifts to the hospital for the unnamed baby.
The local authorities did not announce yet whether to treat the case as attempted murder continuously.
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