Justin Bieber falling apart? One more lawsuit on his plate

By Park Sae-jin Posted : June 27, 2013, 20:31 Updated : June 27, 2013, 20:31
(Justin Bieber Instagram)
Justin Bieber has been getting sued consecutively for various reasons. This time Bieber is slammed with a lawsuit for physically assaulting paparazzo.
On May 27 last year, Bieber kicked and punched a paparazzo named Jose Osmin Hernandez Duran. Duran was just snapping photos of Bieber and then-girlfriend Selena Gomez getting out of The Commons in Calabasas. Bieber lashed out on the paparazzo and kicked “lower rib cage on the left side of his abdomen” and punched right side of his face. He also pushed Duran to a parked car. After the attack, Selena Gomez returned to the scene and apologized to the paparazzo on Bieber’s behalf.
Bieber already has a series of lawsuit on his plate including a suit by another paparazzo, former bodyguard case, threatening to kill a neighbor, and more.
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