Man dives to find wife who went missing in Japanese tsunami

By Park Sae-jin Posted : March 31, 2014, 09:00 Updated : March 31, 2014, 09:00
A man has taken up diving to find the body of his wife three years after she went missing in the Japanese tsunami.

Yasuo Takamatsu, 57, has been searching for his wife, Yuko, since she was swept away by towering waves on March 11, 2011.

But after failing to find her on land, he now resorts to scuba diving in a desperate attempt to recover her body.

Takamatsu, who has been pictured diving just days before the anniversary of the nuclear disaster, described his wife as a “gentle and kind” individual.

He said his wife had sent him a final text message just half an hour after a massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake shook Japan, causing the 66-foot tsunami to rush ashore.

“It read 'I want to go home',” he said. “That was the last message from her. I feel terrible thinking she is still out there. I want to bring her home as soon as possible.”

By Ruchi Singh
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