Controllers for Samsung Gear VR revealed

By Park Sae-jin Posted : January 4, 2016, 17:30 Updated : January 4, 2016, 17:30

Samsung Gear VR Rink controller in action [Courtesy of Samsung Electronics]


Users of Samsung Gear VR have long waited for this. “Rink”, a pair of wearable controller for Samsung’s virtual reality (VR) headset, had been announced and is to be displayed at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 216 which will start from Wednesday in Las Vegas, U.S.

The controller, Rink is a project from Samsung’s “C Lab”, an inbound venture projects program. Samsung Gear VR headset users can use Rink controllers to control, manipulate, and on other VR related activities.

Rink’s development idea came from the liability which VR headsets faced. It’s hard to type a keyboard or control anything without directly manipulating the device itself. When using Rink, a user can wiggle fingers or make a gesture to trigger various features of the headset.

The magic hands for Samsung VR are unique by the way it works. Other competing VR headsets such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR also have their own set of controllers but they are of gamepad type. Rink recognizes the movement of user’s hands and fingers to navigate, command and manipulate.

Along with Rink, other projects from the C Lab will be introduced at CES. “Welt” is a smart waistband which analyzes the user’s everyday patterns and provides help to control obesity. “Tip Talk” is a device which transfers sound not by earphone or any sound projecting parts, but uses the human body as a medium. All the user has to do is to press a finger against an ear to listen while wearing the device.

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