4minute releases special version of ‘Hate’ MV

By Park Sae-jin Posted : February 25, 2016, 09:50 Updated : February 25, 2016, 09:50


[Courtesy of Cube Entertainment official Youtube channel]

4minute, South Korean idol group released a special version of their title song “Hate”. The special MV made up of the group practicing choreography of Hate is for the fans.

The video was uploaded onto YouTube on Tuesday. Many artists upload their choreography videos onto social networks but it’s usually filmed on a fixed cam during a practice session. But 4minute’s video is full of camera works and effects which make it unique.

4minute released a new "girl crush" album on February 1, with its title track "Hate" produced in collaboration with American electronic music producer Skrillex.

At a showcase in Seoul, members said the seventh mini album "Act.7" contained a strong woman image like the previous one "Crazy." The title track is a combination of hip-hop and hardcore dance.

Jiyoon, Hyuna, and Sohyun contributed to the lyrics and raps, and Gayoon directed the designing of the album cover and pictures.

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