The voice drama series based on Millie's popular e-book titled "Welcome to Hugh-Nam-dong Bookstore" was released at 12 p.m. (0300 GMT) on October 6. Out of 19 key members that appeared in the drama, AI voice actors played eight as well as seven extras.
"As Millie's Library has expanded its readers by showcasing book-based secondary content, we will continue to show infinite scalability through collaboration in the KT media value chain," Millie's Library content business head Kim Tae-hyung said in a statement.
Genie Music created the show's original soundtrack by arranging "Same Pillow," a song by South Korean ballad singer Tei using AI music composition technology. "We will build a content library to reflect demands for various audio content consumption and expand the AI-based audio content creation areas to lead a new trend," said Genie Music's new business division head Kim Jung-wook.
The adoption of AI composers has accelerated in South Korea's entertainment industry. In October 2020, singer-songwriter Hayeon, also known as the younger sister of Girls' Generation's Taeyeon, released her debut single titled "Eyes On You" in collaboration with EvoM, South Korea's first AI composer developed by the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology.