Imported electric vehicle registrations surge 150% this year

By Im Yoon-seo Posted : May 17, 2024, 21:17 Updated : May 17, 2024, 22:46
An electric vehicle parking lot in Seoul Courtesy of Yonhap
An electric vehicle parking lot in Seoul. Yonhap

SEOUL, May 17 (AJU PRESS) – The number of imported electric vehicles (EVs) newly registered in Korea from January to April surged more than 150 percent year-on-year,  data showed Friday.

The ratio of EVs in newly registered imported cars also nearly tripled from a year before, according to the Korea Automobile Importers & Distributors Association (KAIDA).

In the first four months of the year, the number of imported EV registrations was 13,863 units, a 155.9 percent increase from 5,417 in the same period last year. 

EVs’ proportion in the total increased by 11.6 percentage points to 18.2 percent from 6.6 percent a year before. 

Hybrid vehicles increased by 39.3 percent to 37,850 units, accounting for 48.7 percent, up 16.5 percentage points. 

Gasoline car registrations almost halved to 20,828 units from 40,481, making up 27.4 percent, down 21.6 percentage points.


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