The drama series, which returned two years after its first season, debuted among the top 10 on this week's chart in over 100 countries, according to FlixPatrol, which tracks streaming rankings worldwide. The positive reception from both viewers and critics sets high expectations for the rest of the season.
Based on the novel of the same name by Korean-American writer Min Jin Lee, the series revolves around four generations of a Korean family who immigrated to Japan.
The new season builds on the complex narrative of the first, delving into the experiences of different generations within the same family.
Actress Kim Min-ha also mentioned the series' rich tapestry of personal and collective history, highlighting how it weaves together individual narratives and broader historical events through its characters and their intertwining stories.
"The series focuses on the story of a Korean immigrant family," she said. "But I believe the series' core message can resonate with people around the world."
The remaining seven episodes of the new season are scheduled for release every Friday through Oct. 11.